PW Education
We provide educational services for community members of all ages to help address educational needs and gaps, close the digital divide, and strengthen families.

Students are tutored, either virtually or in-person, throughout the week. The length and number of sessions depends on each student's needs. Tutoring provides students with one-on-one attention and a unique learning experience, while encouraging self-paced and self-directed learning. We work with parents to identify their child's needs and incorporate into their academic lessons activities that strengthen those areas.

PW Explorers Clubs
We offer two explorers clubs: Book Explorers and STEAM Explorers. Both clubs meet monthly on the last Saturday of the month. Book explorers meet for one hour, 12 p.m. - 1 p.m., to read books, discuss them, and complete related activities. STEAM Explorers meet from 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. to explore the wonderful world of science, technology, engineering, arts, and math. At each event, STEAM Explorers participate in a lesson about the topic of the day and then conduct experiments or engage in related activities. Lunch is provided for students who attend both sessions. Visit our event calendar to learn when they will be happening and to also get the registration link.

PW Community Classroom
The Community Classroom provides affordable educational services to students in elementary school during holidays, unexpected school closures, and Saturdays. Students receive math enrichment in the mornings and language arts enrichment during the afternoon. Parents also receive tips on how to assist their children academically. Visit, or subscribe to, our event calendar to learn when the next Community Classroom will be held.
Summer Enrichment Academies
During the summer, children receive five weeks of academic enrichment, STEAM activities, fieldtrips, aftercare, and more. We are one of the few summer programs that accept Block Grant and, in addition, we actively seek out scholarships or grants to help reduce the cost of tuition for families.
Homeschool Support
Our home school support service provides parents with an option of having their children receive enrichment and supervision during school hours at our center. Benefits of using this service include: In-person tutoring or enrichment from an educator Exam proctoring Flexible days and hours Supervision during busy schedules
Youth Programs & Services
Adult Services

Helping Others Shine, Elevate, and Achieve (HOSEA) Program
We understand that education is not limited to the academic classroom nor is everyone comfortable in group settings. To make personal growth more comfortable and attainable, we provide a range of educational services for adults that emphasize personalized planning and sessions. Career Skills (job hunting, interview preparation, resume writing) Computer Literacy Grammar and Editing Services Financial Budgeting and Planning Math and Literacy Skill Building Parenting Classes

College Prep and Support
The college journey can be daunting one for many students. Our team of professionals provide the following services to help students reduce stress, feel more confident in their abilities, and increase their math and writing skills. Regardless of your age, we are here to assist you make it across the finish line. Freshman Year Support Grammar and Language Tutoring Math Tutoring Proofreading and Editing Assistance Writing Assignment Assistance​​